reduced eccentricity câu
eccentricity, precession of the equinoxes.(thiên văn học) sự tiến động (như) precession of the equinoxes The eccentricity of hyperbola...

My feelings for you cannot be reduced to a single word.Tình cảm anh dành cho em không thể rút gọn còn một từ. I'm sorry I've been redu...

reduced a
Afterwards, the pressure between fellow practitioners reduced a lot.Sau cùng, áp lực giữa các học viên giảm đi rất nhiều. "The number ...

orbital eccentricity
Additionally, Mercury has the greatest orbital eccentricity, ranging from 29 million mi to 43 million mi.Ngoài ra, Sao Thủy có độ lệch ...

be reduced to ashes
The Bible says he will be reduced to ashes upon the earth.Kinh Thánh nói họ sẽ được định cư trên đất. One phrase, and it will all be r...

be reduced to silence
You, too, Madmen, shall be reduced to silence; behind you stalks the sword.Hỡi Mát-mên, ngươi cũng sẽ trở nên im lặng; gươm sẽ đuổi the...

in reduced circumstances
Being in reduced circumstancesto be in reduced circumstances bị sa sút Not being motivated by self-interest, they may disregard their ...

reduced data
Reduced Data Collection Costs.Giảm thiểu các chi phí thu thập thông tin. You can also record to SDHC/SDXC cards in the microP2 slots u...

reduced degree
Moreover, if you have a fear of flying, specialists claim that the early hours of the day are subject to a reduced degree of turbulence...

reduced diameter
This is achieved through a special "T"-shaped floor and the reduced diameter of the wheels of the semitrailer.Điều này đạt được thông q...

reduced distance
reduced distance between the eyes (hypotelorism)Tật hai mắt gần nhau (hypotelorism) As the time necessary to connect distinct geograph...

reduced expenditures
He reduced expenditures and increased the sales tax and the income tax.Ông giảm chi tiêu và tăng thuế bán hàng và thuế thu nhập. The g...

reduced eye
For a more natural feel, curved monitors like our 278E9QJAB are unbeatable, as there is reduced eye strain.Để có cảm giác tự nhiên hơn,...

reduced factor
reduced factor viii activityGiảm yếu tố VIII

reduced form
What is structural estimation compared to reduced form estimation?Dự toán cấu trúc so với ước tính hình thức giảm là gì? Ubiquinone is...

reduced frequency
The next day, you will notice improvement signs and reduced frequency of coughs.Ngày hôm sau, bạn sẽ thấy dấu hiệu cải thiện và giảm tầ...

reduced inspection
But foods such as produce, processed cheese and cereals may not be inspected as often as the Food and Drug Administration deals with a ...

reduced length
Stage 2 (Orange): These are reduced flight balls and are great for use on reduced length 60-foot courts.Giai đoạn 2 (Cam): Đây là những...

reduced level
I programed you to operate at a reduced level.Tôi đã đã tạo ra cậu để làm những việc thế này. It features a reduced level 2 cache to 2...

reduced load
reduced load, when the bridge is fully loaded, and the cross-girdersKhi ngắn mạch I tăng (IN), U giảm (UN): tổng trở lúc ngắn mạch The...

reduced mass
(It is not exactly the Bohr radius due to the reduced mass effect.(Nó không phải chính xác là bán kính Bohr do khối lượng rút gọn. (Th...

reduced model
Jackson said the team's working on a reduced model which can run on a machine for individual developers.Jackson cho biết nhóm nghiên cứ...

reduced oil
More than 20 nations have already reduced oil imports from IranHiện có 20 nền kinh tế đã giảm lượng nhập khẩu dầu từ Iran. Reduced oil...

reduced power
Reduced power of trade unions.Sự suy giảm sức mạnh của nghiệp đoàn Wideband FM is used instead to trade RF bandwidth for reduced power...

reduced premium
“It charges a reduced premium 30% off standard house insurance rates.”"Nó tính phí giảm 30% phí bảo hiểm tiêu chuẩn." For example, an ...